Forbes, the infamous American business magazine, has released their list of “The World’s Most Powerful Celebrities”… and several familiar faces made the cut. Forbes used a mixture of celebrity earnings, media visibility and number of fans on sites like Twitter and Facebook to determine just how powerful and influential certain celebrities really are. So who trailed behind the #1 of the year, Jennifer Lopez? We’ve got a rundown of the teen-friendly winners below:
Justin Bieber
We totally saw this one coming… Justin has tons of cash, a whole army of fans, and it’s hard to go a day without hearing him on the radio (not that we’d ever want to!). But #3 on the list?! For a kid his age, that’s crazy! He’s only one spot below Oprah!
We knew Rihanna would show up on the list too, but we were shocked to find out she earns nearly as much as Justin. She trails him by $2 million, putting her at fourth. Not too shabby.
Lady Gaga
Mother Monster was probably higher up last year… she hasn’t come out with any hit singles for a while now. So placing in fifth sounds about right for her.
Britney Spears
Brit landing the sixth place spot is pretty surprising, but we’re sure the huge payday she got for signing on as a judge for The X-Factor helped her out a little. Ok, a lot.
Kim Kardashian
Sure, we love Kim… but the thought of her being the seventh most powerful celebrity in the WORLD?! We’re afraid…
Katy Perry
Katy’s living out her Teenage Dream at the number eight spot. With her new song premiering this weekend and her 3-D movie coming out in July, that ranking sounds about right, right?!
Taylor Swift
We’re glad Taylor is the eleventh most powerful celeb, because she definitely knows not to abuse that power. Super talented but also super humble. Best combo ever.
Kristen Stewart
This is basically Kristen’s year – she’s got the final Twilight film and Snow White & The Huntsman coming out in 2012. We’re actually shocked she’s all the way down at #43!
Taylor Lautner
Taylor comes in at #67, but RPattz doesn’t place in the Top 100 at all?! That’s just cruel.
Khloe Kardashian
It can’t be fun being 66 spots below your sister! Sorry, Khloe, you’re only #73. But hey, at least you made the list. Kourtney wasn’t so lucky.
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Check out the rest of the list right here!
Who do you think should have made the list? Are there any celebs on here that surprise you?