One day in the not-so-distant future, you’ll look back at pictures of your favorite celebrities, your friends and even yourself and think, “WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING?” Wanna know why? Because when the eds were in middle and high school, these kinds of outfits worn so graciously by N*SYNC’s J.C. Chasez and Britney Spears were considered cool…and yes, that is a Native American-inspired coat.
Not gonna lie, we’re just as guilty of wearing trends past, like the so-wide-you-had-to-spread-your-legs-to-walk-in-them JNCO jeans, colored leather pants and even putting your clothes on backwards (Don’t ask…).
But not all trends that die are bad. In fact, many trends are cyclical, so chances are they’ll come back in some form or another in 10, 20, 30, 40+ years. Some never. Scrunchies tied around your shirt are never coming back, but most come back at some point. Which brings us to the not-so-trendy (now) trends we wish were trendy again.
Dan, Deputy Editor: One thing I really, really miss is colored camo. As in camouflage. It’s just so ridiculous and screams I am the least likely person to ever join the Army.
Sure, camo never really dies, but I feel like an updated version of this trend could be just around the corner. After all, boy bands are really hot right now (BTR, One Direction, The Wanted, anyone?) and they’re the perfect market for this gimmicky trend. In the meantime, I have found this AWESOME Brera Orologi watch I can wear to fill the void…
Haley, Associate Editor: Forget the fact that I was so obsessed with the Spice Girls in middle school that I would use my lunch break to print out pictures of them on the computer. Not important. What’s important here is that those platforms that made them so famous in 1998 must come back. I had a pair of Steve Madden platform boots that I wore every single day of 9th and 10th grade and I wanna whip them out again. They’re the most comfy heels ever and, let’s be honest, my 5’0 frame could use all the height it can get…
Kaitlin, Editorial Assistant: I am obsessed with fashion from the ’30s. It was just so super feminine with the prissy hair accessories, girly curlicues and long gloves. Remember Rachel McAdams in The Notebook? If I could mimic her style every day, I so would. But I feel like I would be gawked at in the streets for being too over-the-top. Bring this style back please!
Jessica, Editorial Assistant: I may or may not have had an entire drawer of butterfly clips in every different color you could think of back when I was a kid. Hello, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen wore them… meaning they were totes cool. If I could, I would definitely rock these again. I mean, butterflies just floating around in your hair? How much more fun can hair accessories get?!
Alannah, Editorial Intern: Even though I used to fight with my friends over who could pretend to be Cher, we all agreed that the outfits in Clueless were ah-mazing. These girls were always so girly, neat and totally fashion forward, duh! Their plaid get-ups were always so preppy and fun, I kinda would love to rock a plaid skirt out again. And yes, I’m totally aware that plaid has come back since.
So, which fashion trend do you miss? Or which one do you think you and your friends will be laughing at very soon? The comments are a callin’!