New Breaking Dawn — Part 2 character posters. Need we say more? [Hollywire]
Tired of all these books-turned-movies? Get over it ’cause Hailee Steinfeld‘s got one coming up and we love her. [Just Jared Jr.]
Ariel Winter may play a genius on Modern Family. When the show’s on hiatus, though, she’s a recording artist! [Cambio]
Vitamin C’s “Graduation (Friends Forever)” song will forever be a part of every graduation playlist, but this Nicki Minaj track’s inspirational, too. HINT: Rihanna‘s on it. [HuffPost Teen]
Pulling out the diva card already? Britney Spears reportedly walked off the set of The X Factor. And it was only her first day! [Wetpaint]
Meanwhile, Demi Lovato seems to be enjoying her new job, considering she can’t stop gushing about it. [M]
So what’s really going on with Harry Styles and that British blonde chick he’s been spotted with? Well, now that you asked, Louis Tomlinson says… [Posh24]
Hmm, maybe there is a perk to Justin Timberlake breaking our hearts and getting engaged to Jessica Biel. He’s finally coming out with new music again! [Gurl]
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