The list for potential judges on The X Factor just got longer — and more star-studded. Back in February, rumors were swirling that Beyonce could take over for Nicole Scherzinger or Paula Abdul as one of the panelists. Then, news broke last month that Britney Spears was practically sitting in one of the judging seats already after being offered a whopping $15 million deal. Now, in an effort to target a younger audience, Simon Cowell‘s considering both Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato for the fourth spot.
According to The Hollywood Reporter,
“The deal is not yet done and could fall apart, but sources say Lovato’s team is in final negotiations for the job.”
As for Miley, a source revealed that “there have been talks with” the teen queen, but no offer has been extended yet. However, if Britney does ultimately sign on, that could tip the scales for Miley who openly admits to Brit being “her hero.” This is the last that was heard on the Britney front:
“Both camps were back and forth on the money but now they have finally come to agreement on the fee. That was the big sticking point and now, thankfully, it’s been sorted. All they need to do now is work out the smaller points. The fact the money is now set, means that there is nothing stopping this from becoming a reality.”
Reportedly, Avril Lavigne and Fergie are also on Simon’s radar.
Who would you most want to see on the judging panel? Are you planning on watching The X Factor no matter who judges?